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TAI CHI Lessons at the Oakton Library

TAI CHI Lessons at the Oakton Library

The classes introduce people to the first part of TaiJi 24 forms. Participants can learn to shift weight and strengthen muscle controls from each movement, which in turn can improve their balance and flexibility.  

Parts of classes: 

  • Every class begins with the warm-up/stretch routines and including "TaiJi walks".
  • The first class will be reviewing "Simplified TaiJi 8 forms" to re-enforce the basic movements.
  • From the 2nd class and forward, one or two movements from TaiJi 24 forms will be introduced.
  • Every class ends with one of the eight movements of 8 Brocades.

This event has 8 sessions. Registration is required for each session. No previous experience necessary. Adults, Older Adults.

Tuesday, May 9, 2023 Show more dates
1:00pm - 2:00pm
Oakton Meeting Room 1, Oakton Meeting Room 2
Library Branch:
Oakton Library
Health & Wellness
  Adults     Older Adults  
FCPL Event Guidelines
Registration has closed.

Event Organizer

Oakton Library Staff