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Irish Family Special Interest Group (SIG)

The Irish SIG is part of the Fairfax Genealogical Society.  A SIG allows genealogists to focus on a specific topic or ehtnicity to help with their research.  In this specific environment, genealogists of varying experience meet to share their knowledge of Irish research and Irish history with other members; provide ideas or direction on how members could achieve successes; better understand why relatives left Ireland through the study of Irish history; locate family members the emigrant may have left behind through study of Irish records; encourage member's participation in Irish research.  Participants range from experienced genealogists to those who want to start a family-research/family-tree endeavor.

Related LibGuide: Genealogy by Fairfax County Public Library (Admin)

Tuesday, February 13, 2024 Show more dates
2:00pm - 4:00pm
Pohick Meeting Room 1
Library Branch:
Pohick Regional Library
History/Culture Workshop/Tutorial
FCPL Event Guidelines

Event Organizer

Hannah Risley, Information