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This Old House: Annandale, Springfield, Burke & Beyond

This Old House: Annandale, Springfield, Burke & Beyond

Author and local historian Mary Lipsey introduces the history of homes located in Mount Vernon, Arlington, Springfield, Annandale and Burke. Their owners from the 18th century through the early years of the 20th century include a president, farmers, a general store owner and a tavern owner. Some are no longer standing and exist only in their stories and photos from years ago. Adults and teens. Register if you'd like a reminder.

Speaker Bio

Mary Buckingham Lipsey grew up in Fairfax County, Virginia. She received a BA in History and Sociology from Mary Washington College and a Masters in Middle School Education from Virginia Tech. In June 2003, Mary retired after teaching American History for almost thirty years. She has been a docent at the Smithsonian American History Museum and the National Archives and served on the Fairfax County History Commission for 16 years. 

Related LibGuide: Fairfax County History by Fairfax County Public Library (Admin)

Monday, November 18, 2024
7:00pm - 8:00pm
George Mason Meeting Room
Library Branch:
George Mason Regional Library
FCPL Event Guidelines
Registration has closed.

Photo: Oak Hill was built in 1790 by Richard Fitzhugh, a descendant of one of the first land-grant holders in Northern Virginia.


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George Mason Regional Library Staff