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Great Decisions: Changing Demographics

Great Decisions: Changing Demographics

How will changing demographics impact a variety of topics ranging from development to sustainability?  The world experienced remarkable demographic changes in the 20th century that continue today and have resulted in far-reaching social, economic, political, and environmental consequences all over the globe. These consequences are creating mounting challenges to development efforts, security, the environment, as well as the sustainability of human populations.

We will discuss the article, "Changing Demographics in the World" by Joseph Chamie (attached).

Joining us as guest speaker will be Jeff Jordan, President and CEO of Population Reference Bureau.

Special note: For the first time since 2020, this program will be in person at Reston Regional Library. 

Friday, September 16, 2022
2:00pm - 4:00pm
Library Branch:
Reston Regional Library
  Adults     Older Adults  
FCPL Event Guidelines
Registration has closed.

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Reston Regional Library Staff